Our Golf Stats .com

Internet Based Golf League Administration

Placeholder Picture
Sinking a putt

Payment Options

You do not need a PayPal account to make a payment.  PayPal will process against your credit card.  If individual olfers are charged fees by the league, it is the league's responsibility to collect from the golfers.  Any questions?  Just contact us.

There are a wide variety of features on OurGolfStats.com which will help you with your golf game. Should you have any questions as to how our features meet your specific needs, please contact us at MoreInfo @ OurGolfStats.com.

Click the appropriate PayPal Button below for your payment for your Group or League.

Group Size

Annual Fee

PayPal Button

1 to 10

$10 US to $100 US

Group Size

11 to 15

$125 US

16 to 20

$150 US

21 to 30

$225 US

31 to 40

$300 US

41 to 50

$375 US

Over 50

$375 US plus $5 US for every member more than 50 in the Group

the specific amount, based on the number of golfers that you have in your League

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Copyright 2009-2019 for Carothers Enterprises, LLC.