Golfing Tips from
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Internet Based Golf League Administration
Use Bogey Ratings to set expectations
Counter golf group playing golf in the Winter

Golf courses have ratings that mean very little to the
average golfer.  Must people just know that comparatively
speaking, the higher a course rating or slope is for a set of
tees, the tougher that golf course, or set of tees, is
considered to be.  

There is another rating that is more useful to most golfers.  
That is the
Bogey Rating.  You usually do not find it on a golf
course's scorecard, but we publish it on our web site as
part of the listing of tees, when you add a course to your
schedule.  The Bogey Rating is a much better indicator of
the difficulty that a bogey level golfer will have on a
particular course or set of tees.

Use this indicator to set your expectations for the round of
golf.  If you consider yourself to play around the level of a
bogey golfer, don't set your expectations for a round of golf
based on par for that course.  Set your expectation on the
bogey rating.  Rather than kicking yourself for how much
over par that you are, expect to shoot somewhere around
the Bogey Rating and be happy if you are in that ballpark.  If
you are somewhat worse than a bogey golfer, adjusts your
expectations accordingly.  Too much enjoyment is taken out
of the game of golf by trying to relate your game to "par".